From Monday 28th September a new grant will be available for some workers who have to self-isolate by law as they have been told to do so by the NHS Test and Trace, either for testing positive for coronavirus or as a close contact of a positive case.
If you have not tested positive for coronavirus you will not qualify for the grant even if you have symptoms. You must have tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) to be eligable.
The grant of £500.00 is intended to make it easier for lower earning workers to self-isolate for the required 14 days.
The government says just under 4 million people in England are eligible for the grant – people who are both working and on benefits.
It can be claimed by people in receipt of Universal Credit, Working Tax Credit, Income Based Employment and Support Allowance, Income Based Jobseekers Allowance, Income Support, Housing Benefit and /or Pension Credit.
All applicants have to be employed or self-employed, unable to work from home which is resulting in them losing income.
The payments will be available to people who self-isolate from September 28th 2020
The system is not expected to begin operating until October 12th 2020.
Successful applicants who start to self-isolate from September 28th can expect a backdated payment from their local authority following the scheme taking effect.
The government have stated that it will not affect Statutory Sick Pay or Benefits, the grant will be paid on top of either of these payments.
Applicants should phone or apply online to their local council for the grant and will need to submit supporting evidence.
The evidence needed to support a workers claim is:
- A notification from Test and Trace asking the worker to self-isolate, this will include a unique ID number.
- A bank statement
- Proof of the workers employment
- Confirmation from their employer that they are unable to do their work from home (if self-employed they will need evidence of self-assessment returns.
Councils will make the payments to successful applicants.
For further information Dynamic Payroll are able to support and help employees.